Human body has several different organs and body parts. These organs help us to perform all the necessary activities for a healthy living, when comparing the organs one which helps us to crush the food materials and to enhance digestion are teeth. Every adult human has about thirty two teeth each are of different forms and size, in a child the teeth grow at age of nine months and in its three years the teeth may get developed completely. The teeth will improve the digestion process by breaking down the food materials into smaller particles, so the simplest form of food materials enters into the body and gets digested easily. The teeth play a vital role in the human body because without having the teeth we cannot be able to eat the food easily and we need to struggle in biting the food materials, so we should always care for our teeth from breakage and from cavities. From childhood to adulthood the teeth grow rapidly, every year we can experience a new tooth in our mouth. This is because when we grow the jaw in our mouth expands and it gives rise to new teeth. The most important part in our mouth is chewing areas, where molars and premolar teeth are present. It helps in chewing the food easily. The premolar and molar will fall down and again rise during the teenage years. What are wisdom teeth are teeth which are present in the third molar are called wisdom teeth that get developed at the age of 17 to 25. In between those ages we can experience wisdom teeth in our mouth. When a wisdom tooth gets developed then it harms the gum present in the upper jaw, this damages the region and makes it difficult to bite the foods easily.
These problems can be solved with the help of simple home remedies like applying salt on the tooth or massaging the salt on the gum region. The salt has a tendency to reduce the pain and it also removes bacteria present in it. Thus by reducing the pain we can eat happily without any pain, some people may experience it again even after doing several home remedies they should consult the dentist before doing further treatment. The best ways to protect our teeth from pain and cavities are that we should brush our teeth daily twice and gargle the mouth with antiseptic liquid two times a day. The antiseptic liquid will remove the bacteria and other food materials from the mouth and help us to keep a well cleaned mouth. People should care for their teeth daily and go for a dental check up every two months once, if preferred we can clean our mouth in the hospital during our visit. The mouth cleaning in hospitals will remove all bacteria and minimize the cavity formation in the teeth, and we can also remove yellow patches and make our mouth a completely cleaned one.
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